Outreach and Enrollment Center Campaign Request

Campaign Contact Information
The campaign contact should be an individual the OEC can reach out via phone or email with questions, comments, or follow up regarding your campaign submission.
List Source
Please provide all outreach contact lists in a compatible format, such as .csv, .xls, or .xlsx, and include the following fields, if available: first and last name, preferred name, mobile number, email address, and a unique ID (e.g., Banner ID, Salesforce ID, or Slate ID).
Salesforce report, Slate query etc.
Campaign Details
You may select more than one method of contact, but you must complete all required fields for each selection.
Calling Campaign
Scripts, instructions, and other supporting materials.
Text Message Campaign
Scripts, instructions, and other supporting materials.
Voicemail Drop Campaign
Audio files, scripts, instructions, and other supporting materials.
Email Campaign
The first text recipients see after your sender name
Name of sender, emails will be sent from usnhenrollment.center@usnh.edu for deliverability.
Email address for email replies
Email template, instructions, and other supporting materials.
Campus Handoff Contact
The "Campus Handoff Contact" should be the office, individual, or department which we can hand students off to in the event that they need additional support.
Need support with your submission  Make an appointment with Megan, Administrative Coordinator.