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NH Transfer Logo
This form is for students enrolled in the Community College System of New Hampshire who wish to transfer to the University of New Hampshire, Plymouth State University, or Keene State College. There is no application fee.

Running Start and eStart are early college programs taken through CCSNH that allow high school students to earn college credit.

Personal Information

<i>Please provide confirmation of your status by attaching a copy of your permanent resident card or visa documents.&nbsp;</i>

If you have been discharged, a copy of your military form DD-214 indicating the nature of your discharge will be required. UNH CPS Online does NOT require this document.

High School Attended/GED Information:
Select "Not Listed" if your school isn't available.

Ex.: mm/dd/yyyy

Ex.: mm/dd/yyyy

University/College(s) Attended:
Please include all CCSNH institutions from which you have earned credit, including "Running Start" or "eStart" credits earned while in high school.

Ex.: mm/dd/yyyy

Ex.: mm/dd/yyyy

University of New Hampshire Supplemental Questions

*Any changes in these conditions will require you to notify the Office of Admissions within 14 days.

Plymouth State University Supplemental Questions

ALL Applicants: 
I have completed this form accurately and thoroughly. By signing below, I authorize my Community College and the University System of New Hampshire institution(s) to which I am applying to share my educational records and transcripts to expedite the transfer process and award any degrees or certificates earned.

Please use this section to upload any additional necessary documentation